Yes, I went skiing again. And I seemed to do a lot better than the first two times. Maybe next time I can give a blue diamond hill a try. But what I am going to write about today is the methods by which children learn to ski. At Beaver Mountain there appeared to be several different strategies. Some kids took lessons from ski instructors. Since I was riding the lift by myself for the most part, some of these kids rode the lift with me so there was an adult to make sure that they were safe. Essentially these lessons seemed to be demonstration and practice. The ski instructor would demo a technique and then the kids would practice. I was able to steer to avoid people much better yesterday, so that was very helpful because sometimes there would be a class of 6 or so kids all practicing.
But some parents showed their kids how to ski. In those cases, there seems to be three methods. Some simply allowed their kids to try under their supervision. Some had leashes attached to their kids to help make sure the kid could not get too far away. And then some parents skied holding their kids right in front of them. So I was wondering what would have worked the best for me when I was a kid. I actually was a very rambunctious kid, so my mom sometimes had to have a leash on me out in public to keep me from running out of view. So I am guessing my parents would have gone the leash route. But maybe they would have had me take lessons?
Oh dear... I can picture my brother slicing down the slopes!