Saturday, January 29, 2011

grant review

So haven't posted for a while in here, but since I am having my students create a blog this semester I thought I should get back into it too.
Anyone who knows academia, especially at research universities, knows that grant writing is extremely important. I have written a few grants...some have been successful, some are under review now, and some have been declined (that's grantor-speak for not funded), but I never really knew what went on behind the scenes during the review of my proposal. That changed to a certain extent when I was required to participate in grant reviews for an internal grant program at my university from which I myself had received a grant. That was a requirement for receiving that particular grant. It was/is a valuable experience (I think I am still on retainer to review grant proposals for them) because it helps me to consider proposals from the reviewers' standpoint.
Recently I was asked to be a panel reviewer for a major national grant agency. Reviewing extramural proposals is a whole different ball of wax from reviewing internal grants. I have already been sent the proposals to review, and have submitted my initial reviews. The way it works is that each panelist reviews a number of proposals ahead of time, and then all panelists go to Washington to meet in person to discuss the proposals. Of course it is an important responsibility because I am being asked to help the government determine how to spend tax dollars. Being on the other side is very helpful for seeing how proposal organization and explanation plays out during the review process. I look forward to discussing the proposals with fellow panelists, who it seems are very distinguished and represent a wide range of expertise.

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